Câteodată tristețea și bucuria își dau întâlnirea pe scenă. Destul de rar, ce-i drept. Dar când o fac, când niște oameni speciali își pun sufletul pe tavă pentru tine, în felul lor unic și genial, merită să-i asculți până la capăt.
Ladies & Gentlemen, Radio Joy are azi pentru voi „Have you ever loved a woman”, live la Staples Center Los Angeles, cu Eric Clapton, David Sancious (pian), Billy Preston (clape).
“Have You Ever Loved A Woman”
Have you ever loved a woman
So much you tremble in pain?
Have you ever loved a woman
So much you tremble in pain?
And all the time you know
She bears another man’s name.
But you just love that woman
So much it’s a shame and a sin.
You just love that woman
So much it’s a shame and a sin.
But all the time you know
She belongs to your very best friend.
Have you ever loved a woman
And you know you can’t leave her alone?
Have you ever loved a woman
And you know you can’t leave her alone?
Something deep inside of you
Won’t let you wreck your best friend’s home.
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