
Think. Feel. Give.

July, 2023

Depeche Mode live in Bucharest, 26.07.2023

By on 27/07/2023

Part of the Memento Mori World Tour, the Grandparents of Synth-Pop had an electrifying and emotional show yesterday, 26th of July 2023 on National Arena, Bucharest. And a great tribute to the late Andrew Fletcher, one of the founding memebers of DM.

Some random videos, I didn`t filmed much, I rather preferred to enjoy the experience:

DM were, as ussual, despite their age, absolutely fabulous on stage. The show was a total gift for me personally, and I thank them for the passion, dedication, art and sharing with all of us their beautifull souls.

It is their 4th concert here in Romania and I`ve been to all of them, each time it was a privilege, and I consider myself fortunate to witness their grace.

Some personal thoughts and remarks.

I received the tickets to this concert back in the autumn, as a present from my wife. Thank you again, my love. Yesterday afternoon, looking at the weather reports – we had the second day in a row with 41 Celsius here in Romania – she told me: „My Dear, if I would have known in November that it will be 41 degrees today I would have bought you a different present.”

– Dont worry darling – I replied. There are people now boarding for Rhodos, despite the fact that they are evacuating the island because of the vegetation fires. We should be happy compared to them.

But she was right, the temperature in the stadium, at least in Zone A, was at the limit of bearable. Thousands of bodies packed like sardines, produced even more heat. Add to this the smoke from the cigarrettes, and you get the picture of the smoking house/sauna that we subjected ourselves to. At the middle of the show, just when we purchased some cold water to cope with the heat, rain started. We took shelter under the side roof. The stadium, despite the fact that has a complete cover for rain, wasn`t extending it with this ocasion, I do not know the explanation. They had a rain and thunderstorm notice from the Weather Administration, so they should have been prepared.

We did not have an umbrella, it was against the acces rules, and we have no wish to get completely wet, being the 4th DM concert here in Romania it wasn`t a new experience to any of us – so reluctantly we decided to leave before the end. Staying in a listening position behind the scene was not possible because of the sound refelections – it was a total audio mess.

Lessons learned:

1. I am too old to go in the middle of the summer at concerts, especially in a standing area :), I will gladly go when the temparetures are humane, and with seats. From September to May, with love.

2. National Arena is an acoustic mess. It was not designed with concerts in mind, this is I think my 3rd or 4th concert here, and despite the fact that the audio engineers of DM have performed miracles with the sound (It was way better than the sound of Ed Sheeran in the same arena), my ears were not happy with the results. Bottom line – I will not waste my money again in this Arena (doesn`t matter who comes next – Coldplay in 2024 or whatever other big band) just to hear all the reflections and echoes from the walls. I will buy the CD and listen comfortably back home.

Final thoughts:

I will always remember seing their first video – Stripped, back in the comunism in 86, on a pirated video cassette with MTV clips. I will always remember the nights in the 90`s listening and dancing the tracks from the Violator in the Cișmigiu „Depechoteque” – a Bucharest portmanteau for Depeche and discoteque. I will always remember all their shows here in Romania and the countless nights and parties filled with their music, throughout my entire adult life.

Thank you DM for being part of my life!

I’ll always remember „the shoes” of Dave Gahan, that he generously offered us yesterday in Bucharest. „Try walking in my shoes” is a genuine example of the metaphores that DM music is filled with, from beginnig to the end, a perfect embodiment of their art and soul.

Elton John

By on 09/07/2023

Un eveniment trecut poate cu vederea de mulți, Sir Elton Hercules John (pe numele său de botez Reginald Kenneth Dwight) a avut aseară concertul de goodbye, la Stockholm.

76 de ani.
La 3 ani a început să cânte la pian.
La 15 ani cânta la pian într-un pub și câștiga primii lui bani din muzică, 35 de lire sterline pe săptămână.

Cariera sa muzicală se întinde pe 7 decenii, anii 60, 70, 80, 90, 00, 10, 20.

Elton John are la activ 140 de single-uri ca main artist și multe alte colaborări, 31 de albume de studiou și multe altele live, compilații, sountrack-uri, colaborări, etc.

Despre cariera lui s-a scris atât de mult – resursele sunt mai sus în link-uri, așa că voi aminti, foarte pe scurt, hit-urile de no. 1 din diverse țări, practic succesele sale de top de-a lungul deceniilor (fie-mi iertat dacă am ratat vreunul, sunt foarte multe):

1972 – “Crocodile Rock

1973 – “Daniel

1973 – “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

1974 – “Bennie and the Jets

1974 – “Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me

1974 – “The Bitch Is Back

1974 – “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

1974 – “Philadelphia Freedom

1975 – “Island Girl

1976 – “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart (with Kiki Dee)

1980 – “Little Jeannie

1983 – “I’m Still Standing

1985 – “That’s What Friends Are For(with Dionne WarwickGladys Knight & Stevie Wonder)

1985 – “Nikita

1988 – “I Don’t Wanna Go on with You Like That

1990 – “Sacrifice

1991 – “Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me” (live) (with George Michael) – una din capodopere

1992 – “The One

1994 – “Can You Feel the Love Tonight

1995 – “Believe

1997 – “Something About the Way You Look Tonight
Candle in the Wind 1997” – numărul 1 absolut în toate țările – piesă în memoria Lady Diana

2002 – “Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word(with Blue)

2003 – “Are You Ready for Love” (remix) (with Ashley Beedle)

2005 – “Ghetto Gospel” (Tupac Shakur featuring Elton John)

2021 – “Cold Heart” (with Dua Lipa and Pnau)

2021 – “Merry Christmas” (with Ed Sheeran)

2022 – “Hold Me Closer” (with Britney Spears)

Pentru mine personal a fost, este și rămâne unul din titanii muzicii moderne, care mi-a însoțit toată viața. M-am născut cu piesele lui, adolescența mea a fost presărată cu muzica lui, nu mai zic de anii de radio, apoi mai tot mileniul 3 a fost prezent și a punctat, deși discret, ca un sir ce este.

Las și eu posterității acest articol ca modest omagiu pentru acest om extraordinar.
Mulțumesc pentru muzică și pentru lecția de viață, Elton John!